How to make WordPress Site Faster & Secure

WordPress is regularly updated with the latest security systems and has a regular release schedule that includes up-to-date vulnerability patches. 
Protecting your site, whether on WordPress or another CMS, is an ongoing practice. It includes creating obstacles for attackers, preventing failures, following changes, denying malicious access, hiding sensitive information, and more.

How to make WordPress Site Faster & Secure, Blog, Seo, Website, WordPress

Google has discovered a snap of 400 milliseconds, which is too long and which causes people to search less. Google takes into account the user experience with a page in its ranking algorithm. Whether it’s the size of the page, slow plugins, or some other thing – read some useful tips to help boost both Page Speed and improve the overall performance of your site.

Here are Simple  Ways to Maximize the Speed & Performance of Your WordPress Site.

1. Choose the Best Web Hosting Provider for WordPress

This is not always simple. It is worth a lot of research before putting money down and is similar to the foundation of your home – the last area you want to be stingy on.

Before you even begin to optimize your WordPress site, make sure your web hosting provider does not slow down your site. Web hosting providers, unfortunately, often overestimate their servers, and this will harm the critical response time of your server.

2. Diminish CSS and JavaScript

Diminish is a cute word, but it's actually nothing more than removing unnecessary characters, waste in the text documents, such as white space, new lines, comments and block delimiters in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files.

To be clear, these features significantly improve these files for human readability, but are completely useless for computers and web browsers to deal with. Removing unnecessary characters and redundant code can greatly speed up WordPress by reducing the page size by a large number of kilobytes.

3. Clean your database

If anything, your WordPress database will become disorderly over time. To make it squeaky clean, you want to clean plugins, leftover tables uninstalled, and delete overhead.

The process of cleaning your website database can be performed manually by PHP My Admin, but it is difficult and harmful if you do not know how to use it.

If you are not an expert in technology, installing a plugin to do this task is the safer way to go. WP-scanning and cleaning of the advanced database create safety for your database and get rid of things like the older versions, the comments of spam, MySQL queries, and more.

4. Optimize Images

The images on your WordPress hosting site play an important role in keeping a site visitor engaged. Although your site may contain a ton of great images, it's a good idea to optimize these images to load pages faster. When downloaded directly from your site, the images contain unnecessary space metadata. The file is too large to record bandwidth and cause delays in page load times.

5. Enable GZIP compression

When a user accesses your website, a call is made to your server to provide the requested files. The larger the file, the more it will take for the full page to load. Gzip compress runs your web pages and creates style sheets before they are sent to the end-user.

6. Remove Unused Media / Plugins / Themes

Remove unused plugins and themes. Not only unused plugins and themes have security vulnerabilities, but they can also affect the performance of the WordPress site. Here, web hosting also plays a very important role.

7. Make sure you empty the Recycle Bin and Optimize WordPress Database

WordPress brings with it a database which probably contains data volumes that you do not have much use for. For example, every time you save a new post or page, WordPress will be happy to create a revision of this post or page, and then stored in the database is continually expanding.

For example, if you edit a message ten times, you can have nine separate copies of the position stored as revisions. Although sometimes useful, this accumulation of data quickly adds large amounts of data tables rarely grinding your database, bloating and unnecessarily causing their slow access.

By the careful removal of unwanted revisions, drafts, moderate comments, pages trash/messages, spam comments, feedback waste orphans meta position, and all other unnecessary data, you can maintain a sleek, clean, optimized, and necessary data securely.

Here are some best Proactive Security tips to consider using for your site.


How to make WordPress Site Faster & Secure, Blog, Seo, Website, WordPress


1. Protect Your Site Admin, And Use Strong Passwords

Mostly a lot of attacks happen on the WordPress login page, which every WordPress site has. They can force entry quickly. We recommend that you consider a WordPress plugin such as WPS Hide Login to add a layer of vulnerability to an attacker.

Next, limiting the number of incorrect login attempts would block those attacks that go past obfuscating your login URL. It also has a plugin: Limit Login Attempts work great in this regard.

Always Having good password habits is really important for your online security in general. Use strong passwords and password management tools like 1 Password, for example. In combination with the other measures, this will make your site practically impervious to brute-force attacks.


2. Have A Working Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Make sure your hosting provider has a web application firewall (WAF). Each firewall server has a set of rules defined by the admin team, and the firewall detects and blocks requests based on those rules. This means that, ideally, your hosting provider’s security team is building a living list of rules to prevent attacks from happening.

How to make WordPress Site Faster & Secure, Blog, Seo, Website, WordPress

Of course, this does not mean that you are 100% protected, but in most cases, it gives you enough time to update your software or take additional steps if you find some vulnerabilities. If your hosting provider does not have a WAF, you can check if you can enable one on your content delivery network (if you’re using one).

Lastly, if that’s not available either, you can install a firewall plugin on your application. Note that they are often very resource-heavy, as they often use third-party services to practically analyze all traffic towards your site.

3. Always Back Up Your Site 

Hopefully, you’ll never have to learn this tip the hard way, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. We suggested a 3-2-1 rule as a strategy for backups that contain essential data. Site owners must keep three backups in two different formats, and one of the backups must be in a different physical location.

If disaster strikes, it’s not helpful to have all your backups in the same format or location. Employing the steps above will help to ensure you’re prepared no matter the situation. you should Always generate a new backup after you make any significant updates.

4. Use A CDN As A DNS And DDoS Protection System

A content delivery network (CDN) can improve the experience of your site by delivering content faster. However, using DNS-type CDN (before your web server) can also improve your web security.

First, it can enable an active firewall, and the WAF described above is constantly updated against malicious behavior such as heavy connections and tracking ports.

It prevents brute-force attacks by using the distributed server network of the provider, which minimizes the attack and applies to block rules to detect these kinds of attacks, usually DoS or DDoS. Finally, it hides your server's real IP, which prevents direct attacks on your site. In short, it's very simple.

How to make WordPress Site Faster & Secure, Blog, Seo, Website, WordPress

5. Choose A Trusted Hosting Company

Be sure to do your due diligence when researching a hosting company, and don’t just select the cheapest option. Your hosting provider should offer you a secure platform and actively maintain the security of its infrastructure. Make sure your host is not using old software or insecure access.

Their technical support also requires a deep knowledge of WordPress. Ideally, a quality web hosting provider should have built-in or all-of-their-own solutions for all of the actions described above, so you can easily check them all out by selecting the right web host.


There is no such thing as a 100% secure website, but the tips referenced in this article will set you on a path to mitigate the effects of any attacks. I hope you’ll start to maintain the security of your site proactively.

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